kamiamoni.gr is an effort that aims to eradicate gender-based violence. Our goal is for all women to be happy and live the life they deserve.
The World Health Organization defines violence as:
«the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, against another person or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation»
What is (gender-based) violence ?
Violence is any behavior that is intended to coerce, dominate, hurt and isolate a person, with the ultimate goal of maintaining control over both the relationship and the victim's behavior. It is an escalating behavior of verbal harassment and mistreatment which, in some cases, ends up having as an extreme result, the tragic death of many women.
What are the types and forms of gender-based violence ?
- The types of gender-based violence are:
Sexual violence is any sexual act or attempted sexual act by force or coercion, acts of human trafficking or acts directed against a person’s sexuality, without their consent. Any such action deprives every person of their right to sexual self-determination and constitutes an abuse of right and authority.
Physical violence is defined as any violent act with the intention of causing pain or injury. It ranges from violently pushing back, slapping, slapping hands, squeezing the throat, to assault and striking with objects or weapons, culminating in attempted murder.
It is about that form of violence, with which the phenomenon of domestic violence very often begins. This form of violence includes cursing, insults (verbal violence), humiliation and insult to dignity. The abuser often uses threats and intimidation as a mean of exerting control, while often creating scenes of jealousy. It also exercises systematic control over the victim’s social life in order to isolate him.
Verbal violence, which is often called verbal abuse, includes a relatively wide range of behaviors such as bullying, accusations, undermining, verbal threats or excessive criticism.
Financial deprivation and manipulation of someone through money or other material goods, e.g. controlling another’s finances in a domineering and belittling manner, extortion through money. Denying the other person’s right to financial independence (e.g. not allowing him/her to work). Deliberately depriving someone of financial support (usually in cases where the woman is not working) usually forcing him/her to start begging for financial support.
Sociocultural violence includes harmful traditional and cultural practices of abuse, such as clitoridectomy, honor violence, wife inheritance along with one’s property, underage marriages, forced sexual exposure, dowry abuse.
Stalking is defined as inconspicuous following or harassment. The perpetrator exhibits obsessive behavior often watching the victim’s home, his social life, sending disturbing messages on his mobile phone, disturbing his relatives, etc.
Gender-based violence in numbers
No more women to be included in the list!
Do you wonder if you are a victim of abuse?
Answer the following questions:
- Are you afraid for your physical integrity and your life?
- Do you feel that he doesn't love and respect you?
- Do you feel like you are losing your dignity?
- Are you afraid whenever you come into conflict with your partner?
- Are you afraid that if you leave your partner, you will put your life and your children's life at risk?
- Are you isolated from your social environment because of your partner?
- Do you feel that your partner is belittling and insulting you?
- Do you think your partner is taking away your freedom?
If your answers are positive, recognize that YOU ARE a victim of gender-based violence. What is happening to you is NOT healthy and you need HELP. Ask for help!
If you experience any form of gender-based violence you MUST speak up! Ask for help, we can support you through our network of volunteers and expert partners, who will help you recognize the signs of abuse, become aware of the situation you are experiencing, break your silence and your tolerance, acquire the power to escape from this situation, before it's too late.
You are NOT alone and helpless, don't stay silent! Never again.
What can I do if I know a victim of abuse ?
If there is a woman who is a victim of abuse in your environment, it is important to do the following:
Try to gain her trust.
Listen, don't criticize and assure her of your confidentiality. Don't force her to leave and don't blame the perpetrator, it will have the opposite effect of what you are aiming for.
Listen to her carefully, without insisting on the questions you ask.
An abused woman needs support and understanding.
We never say phrases like:
• «Yes, but what did you do to him?»
• «It’s nothing, try to tolerate the situation.»
• «Think of the kids and stay with him.»
• «What are you waiting for? Leave now.»
It is extremely important for her and her children to be physical safe.
Therefore, if you see danger, help her prepare an exit plan from her home and have all important documents and items ready.
She might not be able to see clearly, therefore explain some things to her. Such as:
• Violence is not acceptable in any form
• Promises like "I won't do it again" don't end violence
• It's not her fault
• She is not alone
• Help her with an exit plan
Use expressions like:
• «I'm sorry this happened»
• «What can I do for you?»
• «No one has the right to treat you like this»
• «How do you feel, what do you need?»
• «Whatever you decide to do, I'll be by your side»
- If she has bruises or injuries, advise her to visit a hospital and keep a photographic record.
- Encourage her to contact the experts or ask for their guidance to help her.
- In any case, if you are, or know someone who is a victim of abuse, when deemed necessary you can make a named or anonymously complaint to the Immediate Action Center (100) or immediately inform the local Police Department, the prosecuting authorities or call 15900 SOS HELPLINE 24-hour support for violence against women.
If you, or the woman in need, are not yet ready to contact the government structures and file a formal complaint, DO NOT HESITATE to contact us.
We can help you and offer you guidance, as well as cover your first needs, through our network of expert partners and volunteers.